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  • Safety: Our daily priority is the safety of our employees, as well as the quality of our products for our customers.
  • Trust: We act with integrity, ethics, justice and compassion for our fellow humans.
  • Customer centricity: We strive to meet our customers’ needs in order to exceed their expectations.
  • High quality & innovation: We provide high-quality products and services with a high-aesthetic value to our customers. We strive for constant improvement and innovation.
  • Environmental protection: Every day, we work hard to reduce our environmental impact.
  • Multiculturism & participation: We understand that diverse ideas, abilities, interests, and cultural backgrounds are required for our company’s success. We encourage healthy debate and different points of view.


Our culture is built on high employee performance, collaboration, and innovation, while also encouraging open dialogue, initiative, continuous improvement, and development, all of which contribute to the growth of our company and the realization of our vision.


Our vision is to become a global leader, a pioneering company that provides high-quality and aesthetically pleasing products while also protecting the environment and consumer.